How to Choose What to Carry in a School Tote Bag (Girls)

Have you ever wondered what you should bring in your tote for school? Having a difficult choosing? Don't know what you really should bring in case of emergency? Well keep reading to find out!


  1. 1Bring your wallet or purse. This is for your school ID, money, etc.
  2. 2Always have deodorant, body spray, and hair ties in case you need to tie your hair.
  3. 3Makeup. Bring some lip balm or gloss. Other makeup only needs to be applied once before school.
  4. 4Carry your cell phone if you have one. Make sure it's always on silent, don't even risk putting it on vibrate.
  5. 5A small book with you. in case you're done with your work, you always have something to do.
  6. 6Get a few tampons and pads. You never know when you might get your period!
  7. 7In a little pouch, let's call it your "emergency kit", keep lip balm, breath freshener, dental floss, earring backs, stain remover, double-sided hem tape, deodorant, towelette, lotion, and a few feminine hygiene products .
  8. 8Gum! Both mint and fruity are good ideas.
  9. 9Grab sunglasses! It's very important to protect your eyes, especially if you wear contacts.
  10. 10Contact lenses/glasses. and don't forget solution & an extra pair.
  11. 11A planner to write down homework and assignments.
  12. 12Extra clips for hair emergencies!
  13. 13Keys for your house and car, if you're able to drive.
  14. 14Water bottle. You are much more likely to stay hydrated and have good skin if you have water readily available.
  15. 15Little post-its to write little notes in your textbooks/locker.
  16. 16Earphones for an iPod/mp3, and of course the iPod/mp3 player itself.